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Self Affirmation Freebie Activity | Identify Student Strengths



Help students identify their strengths with this free superpower-themed self-affirmation activity for kids.  Build student confidence, identify students’ strengths, break the ice with new students, or use them as a back-to-school activity….the possibilities are endless with these superpower kablams!


Encourage students to draw or write to showcase their own superpowers. Use these kablams to help your students express what makes them super! Students write or draw in the middle of the kablam to express their own super-human superpowers!


Anything can be a superpower, challenge your students to think about what their unique superpowers are and how they can use those superpowers in their daily lives.


Ask Students:

“What do you like? Can you describe what you are good at doing? What are your super-human superpowers?”


Stress to students that we are talking about their real-life superpowers. We don’t want to hear about how they can flip cars or shoot ice out of their hands, we want to know about the real-life human superpowers they have! We want to know that they are super helpers, kind to others, super at math, or great at gaming. Whatever their best skills may be, we want to know the real-life skills that make them super?


Encourage students to think about how to tie their superpower into future career options. Challenge students to think about careers that would be a good fit based on their identified superpowers and skills.


Does your student like gaming? Awesome! Maybe one day they will write the code that develops the games.


Do they like helping others? Maybe they’ll be a nurse or teacher!


The options are endless!


Learn More:

Check out how I use these with my school counselor superpowers meet the counselor lesson at the beginning of the school year.


So, click DOWNLOAD for this fun and creative activity that helps you to identify your student’s strengths. 


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So, these Superhero Kablams for identifying students’ strengths are copyright © Mrs. Bell The Crafty Counselor. Therefore, all rights are reserved by the author. Copying for more than one user is prohibited.

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