Happy counselors are not happy by accident. They actively choose to find happiness. They take steps to create happiness in their everyday lives.
Here are eight ways they choose happy every day!
1. Prepare Themselves
Counselors carry a heavy load. The demands of the jobs leave both physical aches and emotional pain. The emotional weight we carry with us is sometimes quite hard to shake. Happy counselors are realistic about what this career entails and prepare themselves to be able to compartmentalize the pains that accompany our job. Happy counselors do not allow the darkness and tough situations to leave emotional wounds.
2. Set Themselves Up For Success
Happy counselors prepare themselves for the tasks of the day. Much like we prep students for transitions, we need to prep ourselves for work. Spend a few minutes in the morning planning out your day and prioritizing your tasks. Prepared counselors are happy counselors.
3. Choose a Positive Mindset
Not only are prepared counselors happy counselors; counselors who work to maintain a positive mindset tend to be happier overall. Adopting a positive perspective can be one of the most powerful choices a person can make throughout their day. Happy counselors choose to look for the good in all situations and seek out only the positive.
4. Eat and Energize
Carve out a sacred time each day (even if, on occasion, it can only be seven minutes between crises) that you take time to refuel and recharge. No one performs their best lightheaded from dehydration and hangry from an empty stomach.
Step away from your desk and find a nice place to eat, and reset yourself for the afternoon.
You deserve a few minutes of peace in your day.
5. Feed Their Soul
Happy counselors have passion projects at school that feeds their soul. Why did you become a counselor? What parts of the job do you love? Find a way to fuse those reasons you became a counselor with something you are passionate about and bring that into your counseling program.
For example, I love yoga. It is my self-care that helps keep me positive, happy, and clear-minded. I fused my love of yoga with my love for teaching students self-regulation skills and created a Zen Corner in my office.
I am filled with so much happiness when I get to see kids benefit from my Zen Corner.
6. Understand Their Limits
When overscheduled and overwhelmed, happy counselors ask for help. Whether it is an overbooked schedule or work or too many responsibilities at home, ask for help in whatever form you need it.
7. Establish a Healthy Work/Life Balance
Being a counselor is an emotionally taxing job; you need to be in the right headspace in order to be effective. When the work day is over, find a way to tuck it all away and enjoy your life. Happy counselors take the time to find happiness in every aspect of their life.
8. Self-Care
When flying, there is a reason they tell you to put on your oxygen mask before assisting others. If you are struggling, it is hard to be the best version of yourself, meet your obligations, and fulfill your responsibilities. If you feel overwhelmed or need help, contact someone you can trust or seek professional assistance. Take the time to take care of yourself so that you can care for everyone and everything else.
If you follow these eight tips and choose to look for the positive, you are much more likely to find happiness as a counselor and as a person.
How do you stay happy and positive? Leave your tips and advice for a counselor’s career happiness and ways to prolong positivity.