My favorite small groups are those that teach about emotional regulation and anger management strategies. I thoroughly enjoy seeing students go from feeling like they have no control over their emotions to implementing strategies I’ve taught them.
These small groups can transform students who were once feeling out of control into regulated individuals. Anger regulation groups can give students the ability to calm themselves, therefore, giving them the ability to control themselves.

In most of my anger regulation-themed small groups, we usually work through an anger booklet together over a period of four or five brief sessions. We dig deep and work through the information together. Students walk away feeling like they can implement the skills learned in the group into their daily lives.

As a follow-up activity that doesn’t require as much deep thought or as a quick calm-down activity for a distressed student, I utilize Anger Monsters or Worry Monster craftivities.
I appreciate how versatile the monsters templates are and how I can pick different versions based
on my student’s abilities.
Emotional Regulation
Sometimes students just need a break to calm down. What better way to help your students find calm than by building and coloring their own monsters?

After coloring and designing a monster for a bit, most students are able to calm themselves and express their feelings/needs. These activities are designed for just that.
It’s remarkable the positive impact that coloring can have on a dysregulated student.
This activity is my secret weapon for situations like that.

These activities are sure to keep your students engaged and excited about learning emotional regulation skills. You can’t beat quick prep mixed with highly engaging activities.
If you want to talk more about teaching students emotional regulation skills, reach out to me on my socials or connect with me in The Crafty Counselor Store.