This is the usual way I start my school counselor’s superpowers “meet the counselor” lesson.

“That’s right! I am the School Counselor! Today I am here to tell you about my job as the School Counselor. I’m going to tell you a little about what I do and how I can help you. But first, who can tell me what a superpower is?”
Their eyes widen with excitement as their faces light up and their hands shoot into the air waving frantically. I usually receive a wide variety of answers.
We All Have Superpowers
“A superpower is something inside you that makes you great.”
“A superpower is a special ability.”
“It’s something you can do that helps save the town.”
“It’s something awesome like laser beams for eyes or the ability to have super strength.”
It is entertaining listening to all the wild ideas floating around in their minds.

“Everyone is correct! There are two types of superpowers. One is the type that we see in the movies. The ability to become invisible or to fly around and scoop people up out of danger are the types of powers we only see on the big screen. We see those in movies, but we cannot do those in real life. The second type of superpowers is the kinds that each of you has, the abilities that make each of us super and special.”
Gasps fill the room as students look around in excitement.
School Counselor Superpower #1
“My first superpower is that I help you solve your problems and deal with life changes. I won’t solve your problems for you, but we can work together to develop solutions. I can also help you deal with life changes that worry or bother you. Who can tell me what a life change is?”
“That’s correct. Who can give me an example?”
Be prepared for some of the answers to surprise you.
I said, “If anyone is dealing with something that changed their life, the counselors are here to help you understand and deal with your emotions. We can’t change it or solve it, but we can help you cope with it. So, if you understand my first superpower, give me a thumbs up.”
Scan the group and check for thumbs.
School Counselor Superpower #2
“Alright, my second superpower is helping remind you how special you are. I help you to figure out what your superpowers are. Everyone has a superpower; sometimes, you need help to figure out what it is. That’s why I’m here. If you don’t know your superpower, I can help you with that.”
School Counselor Superpower #3
“That leads to my third superpower; I help you with career options. Once we figure out what your superpower is and what you’re good at, we can figure out what type of career you may want in the future. I know careers and jobs seem like they are far away, but you have to start thinking about what you are good at, what your powers are, and how they may lead to a job in the future. Does everyone understand my second and third superpower?”
Watch the students nod their heads in excitement.
“Give me a thumbs up if you are ready for power number 4.”
Most of the time, I look out into a sea of thumbs up and then move on to superpower #four.
School Counselor Superpower #4
“I can help you make and keep friends. Sometimes, you guys don’t quite know how to talk to each other, or you don’t quite know how to ask someone to be your friend. I can help with that. If you do not feel like you have friends or want to learn the skills to make new ones, let me know. I can help you.”
A cluster of thumbs up usually appears before I can even ask.
School Counselor Superpower #5
“My final superpower is that I listen to your problems and concerns. Sometimes you need someone to talk to, someone who will listen without judging. I won’t tell anyone what you tell me unless you want me to. What you say to me stays with me. There is one exception, though. If you tell me someone is hurting you, or I feel like you are in a dangerous situation, I might have to get extra help to ensure you are safe. Other than that, what you say to me stays with me. Does anyone have any questions?”
I answer all questions and then pass out their activity.
What Makes You Super?
“Right now, I am passing out a superhero kablam thingy to each of you.”

My high-tech term for these.
“I want you to take a minute to think about your superpowers. What makes you special? What makes you, you?” “
Are you helpful in the classroom? Do you smile at people and make their day? Do you help little ones find their classroom? Are you great at reading? Math? Science? Do you help out around your house? Do you cook? Help clean? Are you great at sports? Do you take good care of pets? Of your siblings? What are you good at doing? What superpowers do you have that might get you a job one day?”
School Counselor’s Superpowers Activity
“There are no wrong answers unless you tell me you don’t have a superpower. Everyone has a superpower. Think for a few minutes, and if you cannot come up with anything, let me know, and I will help you. Once you figure out your superpowers and skills, write them in the middle of this kablam. When done, you can decorate it however you like!”
Some kids know exactly what they are good at and start ferociously writing. Others need a bit of encouragement.
For those that need a push, I like to start by asking, “What do you like to do when you get home?” I work with them until we come up with something and then encourage their suggestions. For example, “I like to take care of my pets.” “That’s wonderful; maybe you will become a vet one day!’
I also ask, “What do you like to do at school or in your classroom?”
“Help my teacher or kids that don’t understand.”
“That’s fantastic! Maybe one day you’ll be a teacher too!”

Career Building Activitiy
I continually push their ideas back to careers; it’s great to be good at something. But, it’s even better if you can one day be paid for what you are good at doing.
Once everyone is finished, I like to ask for volunteers to share. Then, after they share their powers, I ask everyone what type of job someone with those powers and skill sets may want to have in the future. It is so fun watching the ideas spin around their heads.
Using Google Translate, we were able to get the new student from Germany to participate. Her superpower is helping her mom cook tomato sauce.

In the end, I tell students how they can find me and collect the kablams of those who want them hung on the bulletin board. I display them for the world to see. Other students like to put their kablams in their pencil boxes or taped to the corner of their desk.
Bulletin Board Examples

You Can Do It, Too!
School Counselor’s Superpowers by clicking here.
So, if this sounds like it might be a good fit for your students, you can download your own copy of this free meet the counselor activity. Check out the School Counselor’s Superpower Meet the Counselor Lessons on TpT and The Crafty Counselor Store.
You might also like my meet the counselor introduction lesson bundles, meet the school counselor activities, or four ways to introduce yourself as the counselor.
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