It is crucial that we open elementary students up to the various career options they will have in the future. However, with the demands placed on elementary schools, it can be difficult to fit career education into the schedule. I like to make the most of it and squeeze in mini career lessons wherever I can.

Individual Counseling Sessions
When meeting with a student for the first time, I like to play games that get them talking. In the first session, it is extremely beneficial to give a student space to talk freely. The more they talk, the more I learn about them on a personal level.
Some of my go-to favorites are Jenga or Connect Four; Often, I switch it up and play a career sort game to squeeze in a mini career lesson. It also helps me to learn more about students interests and possible goals.

I laminate and cut apart all the cards. I placed the labels on three brown bags to create sorting areas.

Students are encouraged to pick a card. Look it over and decide if the pictured career would be a good choice for them in the future.

I use the quality cards to further discuss each career and dive further into types of skills and qualities required to be successful in each field. It is amazing what you can learn and uncover about students when you talk to them about their bright futures.
This activity helps me to build rapport with students. It builds build trust and a lasting relationship when students feel like I am taking interest in their interests.
Download this resource from TpT by clicking here.
Check out a mini-lesson I did with fifth grade, my Career of the Week Countdown, and my Kid’s Career Choice Packet.
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